Ganzhou Lynpe Technology Co., Ltd.
Ganzhou Lynpe Technology Co., Ltd.
Jinling Technology Park,Economic-Technological Development zone,341000 Ganzhou,Jiangxi,CHINA
  • Corporate Name:
    Ganzhou Lynpe Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Business Type:
    :manufacturer,trading company
  • Products / Services:
    Linear actuator
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees 2015:
  • Capital:
    RMB 1 million
  • Company address:
    Jinling Technology Park,Economic-Technological Development zone,341000 Ganzhou,Jiangxi,CHINA

Company profile

Ganzhou Lynpe Technology Co., Ltd was established in March 2017 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan.Ganzhou Lynpe Technology Co., Ltd
was located in Ganzhou city of Jiangxi Province. Ganzhou Lynpe Technology Co., Ltd is an enterprise which have R&D,manufacture,sale and service
integration.Our products are widely used in smart home appliances, intelligent home, robotics, 3D printing, rail transportation, car tailgate, smart buildings,
smart wearable devices etc.We have more than 20 years experience of designed and developed.To make sure the customers will be satisfied and reassurance
during using our product.Our target is to make better quality product and grow company up as world class, of course with competitive price. If you need linear actuator,

Main products

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