Herb Green Health Biotech Co., Ltd.
Herb Green Health Biotech Co., Ltd.
Lianhua South Road, Ningdu Industrial Zone, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, P.R.C.
  • Corporate Name:
    Herb Green Health Biotech Co., Ltd.
  • Business Type:
  • Products / Services:
    Herbal extracts(Ginseng Extract, Ginkgo biloba extract), Fruit extracts, Mushroom extract
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees:
  • Capital:
    30 million
  • Company address:
    Lianhua South Road, Ningdu Industrial Zone, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, P.R.C.

Company profile

Herb Green Health Biotech, established in 2011, is a government certified High-tech Enterprise with a complete industrial chain of plant cultivation, extraction, R&D, Food supplement ODM&OEM, and sales. Herb Green Health specializes in fruit extracts, herbal extracts, and ODM&OEM service.

As a global leader in the manufacture of natural ingredients for the dietary supplement, cosmetics, food and beverage industries, Herb Green Health Biotech has focued on the high quality, organic and non-GMO raw materials and produce natural health products and nutritional solutions that aid and enhance people’s well-being and quality of life.

Our mission is to provide the society better quality , more scientific, more effective plant-origin health products. To create value for customers, create returns for company, and create both material and spititual happiness for employees through integrity and professional service.

Main products

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