HPY Sorting Technology Co., Ltd.
HPY Sorting Technology Co., Ltd.
Mannifen Road No.3, Lanzhou, Jiangxi Province, China
  • Corporate Name:
    HPY Sorting Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Business Type:
  • Products / Services:
    Mining sorting machine
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees:
  • Capital:
    RMB 25 million
  • Company address:
    Mannifen Road No.3, Lanzhou, Jiangxi Province, China

Company profile

• Established in 2015, HPY Sorting Technology Co., Ltd. Focuses on applications of machine vision technology to improve and provide innovation in ore sorting. Awarded the title of the Seed Unicorn Enterprise from Jiangxi province in 2018 and the World′s Advanced Ore Sorting Enterprise from the Chinese Nonferrous Metal Association,

HPY has successfully conducted the first industrial ore sorting applications in tungsten mines, tin mines, antimony mines, lead-zinc mines, copper mines, molybdenum mines, gold mines, phosphorus mines, and other mines around China. It has promoted progressions in utilizing intelligent machines in China′s mining industry: Increasing efficiency, helping customers cut costs, and making the ore sorting process more environmentally friendly…

HPY Sorting Techs的产品是自主开发的,受专利法、发明专利、实用新型专利、软件著作权的保护。HPY Sorting 拥有超过 100 种专利。

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