Jian City Sanling Microfiber Co., ltd.
Jian City Sanling Microfiber Co., ltd.
No.1 Huandao Rd.(South), Jinggangshan National Economic & Technology Industry Zone,Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, P.R.China 343100
  • Corporate Name:
    Jian City Sanling Microfiber Co., ltd.
  • Business Type:
  • Products / Services:
    Microfiber suede leather
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees:
  • Capital:
    RMB 10 Million
  • Company address:
    No.1 Huandao Rd.(South), Jinggangshan National Economic & Technology Industry Zone,Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, P.R.China 343100

Company profile

Since established in 2010, Sanling has been one of the fastest developing manufacturers of industry of man-made leathers in China.Invested more than USD10, 000, 000 and possessing talented engineers and management team,Sanling devoted itself to serve customers both from international and domestic market with its sincerity.Over the past few years Sanling has invested significantly in new company infrastructure, key management, enthusiastic staff, inventory management, and our very own dedicated technology department. Thanks to the management direction of “Make the best quality and offer the most appropriate product to each customer”,Sanling has gained unprecedented growth and expansion throughout this tough economic time.Not only dedicating resource to production line, but also in environment protection technology,Sanling is trying to do the best in the responsibilities of society and environment improvement.

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