Jiangxi Jieyang Technology Co. , Ltd.
Jiangxi Jieyang Technology Co. , Ltd.
Lichuan County Industrial Park, Fuzhou, Jiangxi, Jiangxi Province
  • Corporate Name:
    Jiangxi Jieyang Technology Co. , Ltd.
  • Business Type:
  • Products / Services:
    Aluminum foil container
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees 2015:
  • Capital:
  • Company address:
    Lichuan County Industrial Park, Fuzhou, Jiangxi, Jiangxi Province

Company profile

Jiangxi Jieyang Technology Co. , Ltd. was established in September 2012. The company mainly produces and sells Non-ferrous metal aluminum panels, and develops and researches new aluminum materials. The investment is over 50 million yuan with 50 employees, including 6 people with bachelor’s degree or above, covering an area of 90 mu, the factory. Office building and dormitory building more than 10000 square meters, equipment has furnaces, manufacturing mold, washing machine and other industries advanced enough high-tech equipment. Main brand: AL6061 to 6 series, products are widely used in aerospace science and technology, high-speed Rail, conductive trough, Mechanical Mold, Circuit Board, heat sink, capacitor, military supplies, civil products and other electronic products manufacturing.
The company in 2018 won the high-tech enterprises, “Technology-based smes” and other titles and honors, has been awarded 10 utility models, an invention patent, and all have passed the ISO 14000, ISO90001, ISO 45001 quality system certification. Jieyang Technology specializes in producing all kinds of disposable aluminum foil products: aluminum foil tableware, aluminum foil box, aluminum foil tray, aluminum foil airplane lunch box, aluminum foil barbecue tray, aluminum foil tray, aluminum foil cake, egg tart tray, stove head cushion, aluminum foil bread cushion, aluminum foil .
Jieyang technology products are exported to the United States, the European Union, the Middle East, Japan, Africa, Southeast Asia and more than 60 countries and regions in the world, with high-quality service, high-quality products at home and abroad enjoy a good reputation, successfully entered Wal-MartColesJusco, Woolworths, TESCO and other

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