Jiangxi Pingxiang Dier Chemical Packing Co.,LTD
Jiangxi Pingxiang Dier Chemical Packing Co.,LTD
Xinsanban Industrial Zone, Economy & Technology Development Zone of Pingxiang, Jiangxi, China
  • Corporate Name:
    Jiangxi Pingxiang Dier Chemical Packing Co.,LTD
  • Business Type:
    Chemical packing
  • Products / Services:
    Plastic chemical packing, metal chemical packing, ceramic chemical packing, tower internals
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees:
  • Capital:
  • Company address:
    Xinsanban Industrial Zone, Economy & Technology Development Zone of Pingxiang, Jiangxi, China

Company profile

Jiangxi Pingxiang Dier Chemical Packing Co., Ltd.?is the
leading manufacturer of tower internals and tower packing located in Pingxiang,
Jiangxi, China. We have been in Chemical packing industry for more than 27 years
since founded in 1992. The manufacturer covers an area of 15000 square meters.?
Our main products include tower internals, plastic tower packing, metal?tower?
packing and ceramic tower packing, which used in chemical, petroleum?and
petrochemical, coking, chlor-alkali,?fertilizer,?salt, pharmaceutical, electric?power,
environmental protection and?other?industries. We have our own mold workshop, so?
we can shorten the production time. And we have own research?and?development
team, so that we?can design for your plant.?
? ?Dier Chemical is the member of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry?Survey
and Design Association. And we obtained the import and export?management rights
since 2008. Our products are sold all over the world.
? ?Welcome your inquiry and welcome visiting our factory. You will have our reply
within 24 hours.
Lets start to build a win-win cooperation together!

Main products

Help Chinese products to the world

Ask us what you need and we will answer it for you