Jiangxi Runyou Machinery Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi Runyou Machinery Co., Ltd.
South Industrial Park, Xingan County, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province
  • Corporate Name:
    Jiangxi Runyou Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • Business Type:
  • Products / Services:
    Ratchet Buckle, Fasteners, Automotive Hand Tools, Rubber and Plastic Parts.
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees:
    RMB 10 million
  • Capital:
    RMB 10 million
  • Company address:
    South Industrial Park, Xingan County, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province

Company profile

Jiangxi Runyou Machinery Co., Ltd is developed from Xingan Tianyou Machinery Co., Ltd, established in 2006 and located in central of Jiangxi province. Its registered capital is CNY10 million. It covers an area of about 33350m2 , and the total construction area of 17000m2 . It has a branch company called Yuhuan County Tianyou Machinery Co., Ltd in Zhejiang province. It consists of sales, technology, purchase, production and finance departments. Learn from big Company’s production technology and major business resources, as well as enterprises in the international market, sales and management experience, based on the entire business development gradually mature. Technical staffs occupy strong technical force through a series of professional and systematic study and practice, and have fully capable of performing the entire production and design, providing detailed technical information and development to company.

Main products

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