Jiangxi Yisenyuan Plant Spices Co.,Ltd
Jiangxi Yisenyuan Plant Spices Co., Ltd.
Hedong Road Qingyuan District Ji'an City Jiangxi Province
  • Corporate Name:
    Jiangxi Yisenyuan Plant Spices Co., Ltd.
  • Business Type:
    Manufacturer, trading company
  • Products / Services:
    Plant oil
  • Exhibition Hall:
  • Year of establishment:
  • Total number of employees:
  • Capital:
  • Company address:
    Hedong Road Qingyuan District Ji'an City Jiangxi Province
  • Contacts:
  • Telephone:
  • Mailbox:

Company profile

Jiangxi Yisenyuan Plant Spices Co., Ltd is a production and processing enterprise specialized in producing food-grade pure plant oil. According to the production standard of food additives, the company has built a production line of spice oil with 100000-grade purification standard, and 800 square meters of laboratory with 10000-grade purification standard. There are 3000 liters, 5000 liters and 6000 liters of extraction tanks in each set. Laboratory equipped with chromatograph, mass spectrometer, polarimeter, refractometer, moisture meter and other high-tech detection equipment. It also has microbial detection room, ultraviolet spectroscopy detection room, high temperature room, culture room, balance room, precision instrument room, physical and chemical operation room, sample room.


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